November 2022 Update: The Many Doors of Annwyn, Sci-Fi Script, and Other News

November has been a bit of a roller coaster. I began the month participating in NaNoWriMo and ended it with two rambunctious children in the house begging for my attention. Needless to say, I didn't get much writing in once Thanksgiving (and my son's birthday) rolled around. But I did have a wonderful reading/Q+A at my alma mater, UCCS, and it was fabulous.

While I didn't make the 50,000-word goal, I wrote 28,000 words of The Many Doors of Annwyn before realizing the writing was good but the plot wasn't moving forward. I'll be spending two weeks to a month outlining my trilogy and worldbuilding before I start writing again.

In December, I'll be outlining, pulling together a query list, and blue skying (or brainstorming) my sci-fi TV series idea.

December TBR:

Dual Memory by Sue Burke (Tor ARC)

The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz (Tor ARC)

The Shape of Darkness by Laura Purcell

Wild Massive by Scotto Moore (Tor ARC)

Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

September 2022 Update: Querying After Wendy, New Projects, and Spooky Reads

After Wendy is officially in the query trenches! I sent my first letter today and will update you monthly (unless I receive good news before then).

I'm currently outlining my fantasy series about Merlin's adventures outside of Camelot. It will feature doorways into other planes of existence, magic, the last living dragon, and rips in reality. The first draft will commence on Monday.

I have also been tossing around ideas for a heady sci-fi short story that I intend to build into a TV pilot. I'm still working out the finer details, but it should give off The OA vibes.

My Spooky TBR for October:

Lute by Jennifer Thorne (ARC)

Little Eve by Catriona Ward (Paperback ARC)

The Binding by Bridget Collins

Bone China by Laura Purcell

The Coffin Path by Katherine Clements
