Across the Winding River by Aimie K. Runyan


Across the Winding River centers around three narrators who become intertwined as the story progresses. Both a story of love and war, this novel has something for every historical fiction reader.

Though the story is captivating and a breeze to get through, I didn’t appreciate the two main coincidences of the plot. Some of the plot points were far too convenient, resulting in a story that felt too clean by the end.

Despite the coincidental plot threads, I really enjoyed this read. I will definitely be picking up Runyan's other work.

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro


Klara and the Sun is a quick yet fun read about an AF (Artificial Friend) and her relationship with her child, Josie.

Though I enjoyed the prose and the way the plot played out, I was hoping for more depth in the characters. I thought much more could have been done with Klara’s character and the individuals whose lives she touched. Some of the interactions were fleshed out, but a great majority fell short; I would have liked to see more of Klara and the Mother’s relationship because it seemed like there was room for more than what was represented. On another note, Rick’s story storyline line didn’t seem necessary. Sure, his role in the novel affects Klara and Josie, but I felt the book could have done something similar without his existence.

Overall, I found the reading experience enjoyable and plan to give Ishiguro’s other works a read sometime in the near future. I just don’t think the novel’s overarching themes reached their full potential.
